Patient Participation Group
What are Patient Participation Groups?
A Patient Participation Group (or PPG) is a group of patients and carers who meet with staff to discuss patient experience, and to help improve the service offered. Individual GP surgeries have PPGs, and the Forest of Dean PCN (Primary Care Network) is looking to start its own PPG shortly.
Who can be part of the Forest of Dean PCN PPG?
The PPG will be open to every patient registered at a Forest of Dean GP practice. All communities, groups, genders, ages, ethnicities, and disabilities representing the practice patient lists are encouraged to join.
What is the role of the Forest of Dean PCN PPG?
All PPGs have the aim of making sure that their practice puts the patient and improving health at the heart of everything it does.
Forest of Dean PCN PPG members will be able to act as ambassadors within the community, which will help with recruitment of new members. By being as outward-facing as possible, the PPG can learn about innovations which are happening in the local community and bring these back to the PCN.
The PPG will be able to contribute feedback on National Patient Survey and Friends and Family Test results to propose developments or change, and support the PCN in promoting health awareness and patient education.