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The Forest of Dean PCN is the only Primary Care Network in Gloucestershire with a Dietitian.

Dietitians use scientific research on food, health and disease to provide guidance. They help people to make informed and practical choices about their food and nutrition.  This can help patients to live well and prevent disease, as well as control symptoms and manage conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes and coeliac disease.


They are able to assess as well as diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems.

Why might you see the PCN Dietitian?


You may get referred by a GP or request a referral from your doctor to address a specific medical/health need or condition.

Find out how our Dietitian can help you?

Our Dietitian mainly sees people who have malnutrition or gastrointestinal symptoms. But your GP Surgery can refer you to the hospital dietitian team if that route is more appropriate.

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