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Forest of Dean Parkinson's Group


​This informal, pop-up café is a chance to grab a coffee, chat and hear from speakers. Open to anyone who is affected by Parkinson’s, family and friends included.

To find out when and where the next pop up café is please click below 

Dance and Connect for Parkinson's

Are you living with Parkinson’s and looking for a way to be more active? Then why not join Dance & Connect for a weekly session of fun dance and movement, seated and standing. Using different genres of music, a gentle warm up will be followed by more energetic routines along with voice work and group dancing.

Dance can be a great way to improve balance, posture, increase the fluidity of movements and help to manage some of your symptoms. Suitable for people who are able to get to the venue, either aided or unaided.

To find out when and where the next session is please click below 

Please reach out to the group organisers to check if there's a contribution needed to attend the sessions.

Please note that these groups are not endorsed by Forest of Dean Primary Care Network. 

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